Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Medpedia: a new, online health encyclopedia

Medpedia: a new, online health encyclopedia is the largest online collaborative health encylopedia is now up on the Web at

"The plan is to create pages for more than 30,000 medical conditions, more than 10,000 medications, thousands of medical procedure, and millions of medical facilities.
Contributors will come from medical schools -- Harvard, Stanford and the University of Michigan are apparently all on board -- schools of public health, and other health-related institutions."

Monday, February 9, 2009

Gaming addiction: a symptom hiding the real problem?

This article talks about how games can be a catalyst to certain health problems in individuals.
Quote from the article stats: "The games made the affects of these problems worse and gave the people something to use to escape their day-to-day existence but, if you removed the games completely, the root problems would still be there."

Interesting article about cell phones and healthy relationships

This article talks about what words healthy couples use in their daily conversations. Shows a lot of other information in the article:

Cancer survival affects online support

I thought this was interesting because it shows that cancer support groups statistically improve cancer patient’s health compared to those who do not take advantage of these social support groups. Here is the link:

Google Flu Trends?

This may be old news to some of you but Google has come up with a new program that will track what diseases are statistically increasing in your communities. Google Health has launched Google Flu Trends which is following outbreaks of the Flu in your community. Here is the link on the article:

CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine as the first and most important step in protecting against influenza. The flu vaccine protects against the three main flu strains that research indicates will cause the most illness during the flu season. And, the vaccine can protect against illness from similar flu viruses.

Two Aging Athletes Confront the Ultimate Opponent: Time

Here is an interesting article i found that will help the Aging Athletes Confront the Ultimate Opponent: Time. i found this article motivating those feeling like they are old of age can still play competitive sports with the best of them.

Goal and Training support websites?

I have not used every one of these sites but I have used a couple of them. They were made to help people motivate each other across the world. Take a look at each site because they all do things a little bit different. I used them before and it helped me link up with goal oriented people that will encourage and motivate you. If you are looking for some help and motivation these are the sites to take a look at.


Information and ideas in science technology have been increasing at an incredible pace due to the new capabilities to share information through the internet, cell phones, faxes, internet medical sites, online scientific journals, blogs, etc. I enjoy the health field and find it to be a growing global phenomenon. Almost every day I find something new that people are trying to do to increase their health in some way or another. I created this blog so people could come together and share their ideas or findings that are connected to health in our growing technological age. Please feel free to share articles, ideas, or anything else that has to do with new findings in health. : )